Wallet Provider


This event is used to inform about a client's balance on a token-per-token basis.

This event being replaceable, replaceable event treatment considerations apply.

Event Signature

A Balance event has the following form:

  "id": "{eventId}",
  "pubkey": "{ledgerPubkey}",
  "created_at": timestamp,
  "kind": 31111,
  "tags": [
    ["p", "{clientPubkey}"],
    ["d", "balance:{token}:{clientPubkey}"],
    ["e", "{lastModificatoinEventId}"],
    ["amount", "{currentBalance}"]
  "content": "{}",
  "sig": "{signature}"


  • the .pubkey is the client's pubkey,
  • the .kind field is 31111 (ie. a replaceable event),
  • the "p" tag points to the client's pubkey,
  • the "d" tag groups all balance events by token name and client pubkey,
  • the "e" tag points to the last event generating a balance change for the client in question.
  • the "amount" tag contains the stringification of the client's current balance.


This event is emitted by:

  • The Ledger module, when any transaction event is successfully completed.


This event is targeted towards:

  • The client in question.


This event is listened for by:

  • The client in question module.
  • Any other agent listening for this event will about the pubkey's cash flow.