Wallet Provider
API Reference


Although most communication is throught NOSTR, there are some necessary endpoints.

lawallet.ar federation endpoint

Our own implementation of lawallet is called lawallet.ar federation, and the api endpoint is:


Authentication & Authorization

No endpoint uses standard HTTP authentication, but the ones that need authentication do so by receiving a signed NOSTR event.


All endpoints accept an OPTIONS request method with the following response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: {day name}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT
Allow: {Allowed methods}
{additional headers may be present}


Upon being requested any method other than OPTIONS or POST, these endpoints respond with:

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Date: {day name}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT
{additional headers may be present}

Some Endpoints expect the body to consist of a NOSTR event JSON, if the content cannot be parsed as a valid JSON object, these endpoints respond with:

HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
Date: {day name}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT
{additional headers may be present}

If the request's body can be parsed as a JSON object, but this object does not conform to the NOSTR protocol specification, these endpoints respond with:

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Content
Date: {day name}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT
{additional headers may be present}

The potential offenses include (but are not limited to):

  • missing first-level field: all of the basic NOSTR fields are REQUIRED (ie. .id, .pubkey, .created_at, .kind, .tags, .content, and .sig),
  • malformed field values: malformed .id, .pubkey, .created_at, or .sig fields; additionally, malformed .tags contents:
    • a single "k" tag is required,
    • at least one "p" tag is required; additionally, it should not be malformed,
    • at most one "delegation" tag is required; additionally:
      • it should not be malformed,
      • it should validate cryptographically, and
      • the conditions query string should match the actual event, and
    • at most one "alt" tag is required
  • malformed .content field

On the other hand, upon successfully parsing and validating the request body, the synchronous NOSTR API endpoint (ie. {base API url}/nostr/dispatch) will apply one more validation:

  • there should be EXACTLY ONE "p" tag within the .tags field.

If this validation fails, the endpoint rill respond with:

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Content
Date: {day name}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT
{additional headers may be present}