GET /lnurl/:pubkey/callback
This endpoint generates and return an invoice that when paid, the corresponding amount of sats will be accredited to the npub associated with it.
It accepts a path param that is a NOSTR pubkey (ANY valid NOSTR public), so there is no need to have previously used Lawallet to receive money on a pubkey that you have the privkey of.
It also accepts a query param of amount expressed in millisats
const options = {method: 'GET'};
fetch('', options)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'User-Agent: insomnia/2023.5.8'
"pr": "lnbc100u1pja0ynhpp5ufq0m7muf0wmwycpq6f9hgmytunvxkxj3az5w2em3u4pap899hgshp5quun9kwaplyekhdpjt7f88aelzwch82h579h9m6r0sh8xm8lqgwqcqzzsxqzjcsp5qshqdv98jtedq7vxx3qfzpvlqggjl8unu26lfm9tzglnlrqllxkq9qyyssqan0gdzmyzsgws97n79pg3s7dc9996m6hkcmke03agf30qaedjxq8eym39u83m6k3f9dhe37qz3kpwf7f28myn5gng488h870znskkvgqgp35yp",
"routes": []