Wallet Provider
Deposit via Zap

Deposit via Zap

A Deposit via Zap is an INBOUND transaction initiated by the Sender that will increase the wallet provider's SATs balance for the Receiver. From a practical perspective, this entails querying the Identity Provider for the Receiver's LUD-16: Paying to static internet identifiers (opens in a new tab) payload, and using it to generate a zap request, paying it, and having the URLx module pick it up and perform an INBOUND transaction on the Ledger module.


This proceeds as follows:

  1. A GET {identity provider base}/.well-known/lnurlp/{Receiver} is performed to retrieve the LUD-16: Paying to static internet identifiers (opens in a new tab) payload including the additional fields in the NIP-57: Lightning Zaps (opens in a new tab).
  2. The Identity Provider responds with a LUD-16: Paying to static internet identifiers (opens in a new tab) payload including the additional fields in the NIP-57: Lightning Zaps (opens in a new tab).
  3. A GET {p.callback}<?|&>amount={amount}&nostr={zr}&lnurl={lnurl} is performed, asking for an invoice for the given amount (in millisats), including the Zap Request zr.
  4. The call is forwarded to the URLx module.
  5. The pubkey (belonging to a Ledger account) associated to the callback being served is extracted, an invoice created, and the invoice's hash calculated.
  6. A mapping between the hash and the pubkey is established.
  7. A mapping between the hash and the relays specified in the Zap Request is established.
  8. The created invoice is returned.
  9. The created invoice is forwarded.
  10. The Sender eventually pays the invoice and the URLx module (via an internal LND daemon) notices this.
  11. The pubkey associated to the paid invoice's hash is retrieved.
  12. The relays associated to the paid invoice's hash are retrieved.
  13. A "Zap Receipt" is published to this list of relays
  14. An Inbound Transaction START event is published to the NOSTR relay.
  15. The Receiver is eventually notified (a subscribed application may then show that an inbound transaction is in progress).
  16. The Ledger is eventually notified, triggering the transaction processing.
  17. The inbound transaction is performed.
  18. The Ledger publishes an Inbound Transaction OK event to the NOSTR relay.
  19. The Receiver es eventually notified of the transaction's result.
  20. If the inbound transaction itself was malformed, the Ledger publishes an Inbound Transaction ERROR event to the NOSTR relay.
  21. If the paid invoice had no pubkey associated to its hash, the funds are held, but not attributed to any particular account.
  22. If there was no pubkey associated to the callback, respond with a 4xx ERROR HTTP status code.
  23. Said status code is forwarded to the Sender.
  24. If the amount given was invalid, respond with a 4xx ERROR HTTP status code.
  25. Said status code is forwarded to the Sender.
  26. Finally, if the Identity Provider has no knowledge of the given Receiver, simply respond with a 4xx ERROR HTTP status code.

NOSTR Events

The NOSTR events involved in a Deposit via LN all follow the general NOSTR event anatomy outlined above.

Inbound Transaction START

This event is produced by the URLx module and contains information about how many tokens to create in the Receiver's account.

The TARGET MUST be the Ledger module's public key. An additional "p" tag MUST mention the Receiver's public key. EXACTLY two "p" tags must be present (the first one indicating the TARGET, the second one indicating the Receiver).

The {event sub-kind} MUST be "inbound-transaction-start".

The .content field must conform to:

    "tokens": {
        "{tokenId}": {amount}
    "memo": "{invoice}"

Only a single {tokenId} can be present (ie. that representing the SATs "token"). The {amount} value MUST be positive (ie. non 0, non negative), and correspond with the invoice's amount.

The .memo field is REQUIRED, and MUST contain the invoice that generated this token creation.

NOTE: this invoice in turn contains the Zap Request as per NIP-57: Lightning Zaps (opens in a new tab).

Inbound Transaction OK

This event is produced by the Ledger module, to indicate that an inbound transaction has been appropriately processed.

The TARGET MUST be the AUTHOR associated to the Inbound Transaction START event having triggered the transaction proper. An additional "p" tag MUST mention the Receiver's public key. An "e" tag MUST be included mentioning the Inbound Transaction START EVENT's .id.

The {event sub-kind} MUST be "inbound-transaction-ok".

The .content field must be simply {}.

Inbound Transaction ERROR

This event is produced by the Ledger module, to indicate that an inbound transaction has failed to be appropriately processed.

The TARGET MUST be the AUTHOR associated to the Inbound Transaction START event having triggered the transaction proper. An additional "p" tag MUST mention the Receiver's public key. An "e" tag MUST be included mentioning the Inbound Transaction START EVENT's .id.

The {event sub-kind} MUST be "inbound-transaction-error".

The .content field must conform to:

    "messages": [
        "{error message}",
        {additional error messages}